Agricultural Input Supply Division
Fast Delivery Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Be the leading part in the supply of agricultural inputs to smallholders.
Smallholders get a timely supply of high-quality fertilizers and seeds.
Provide rubber and palm fertilizer formulas for RISDA use.
Fertilizer suppliers meet the sufficient specification needed and on time.
Manage the central store and central store responsibility efficiently.
Quality, sufficient & timely supply of seeds.
Improve the fertilizer and seed transport capacity and efficiency.
Production of quality tissue culture seeds.
- Carry out the formula and quality testing of the ordered fertilizer to meet the specification set.
- Monitor the store and stock management system in the central store and responsibility center store.
- Monitor the supply of rubber, palm and fertilizer seeds to smallholders so that they are supplied on time and meet the specifications set.
- Conduct regular audits of central nurseries to ensure sufficient and quality seeds.
- Implement seed production from the RISDA tissue culture laboratory as well as monitor the performance of clone seeds in the field.
- Ensure that the low-yielding farms are given agronomist services.
- Plan, manage, monitor the needs and supply of RISDA fertilizer to the small farmers.
- Plan, supervise and monitor the Agriculture Supply System Input.
- Plan, manage and monitor the needs and supply of RISDA seeds to small farmers.
- Plan, manage, monitor, as well as produce seeds from the RISDA kultur tissue Laboratory up to the yield performance stage of the farm.
- Plan, manage and monitor the Central Store management and RISDA Responsible Center Store.
- Plan, manage and implement agronomist advisory services for the RISDA smallholder and Farm Development Program.
- Plan, manage and monitor the RISDA seed and fertilizer supply transportation needs of smallholders.
- Supervise and monitor the 1956/1959 Account and Farm Scheme.
Administration and Financial Unit
Fertilizer and Store Unit
Seeds and Farm (56/59) Unit
Supply System Unit
Laboratory and Nursery Unit